When the world is on fire...find the unexpected adventures...
I originally created this blog for the time I studied abroad in Florence, Italy. Titling it Aik-ing for Adventure due to the numerous trips I took galavanting across Europe. However, I have had the urge to change this into something other than just a travel blog. Solely writing about my travels limits the amount of times I can post and also the subject matter I post about. Recently graduating from the University of Wisconsin and embarking on what we call "adult life" has been an adventure in itself. Whether you are here in France, back in Wisconsin, DC, California, or New York, trying to "adult" is its own experience.
Spending my whole life in Wisconsin is not something I regret. However, much of my knowledge and many of my opinions were very flat, or one-sided, you could say. It is hard to explain, but for example, my idea of an adventure was studying abroad in a foreign country, or climbing a mountain, or paragliding in Switzerland. And yes, those are adventures, but there are many other experiences and even obstacles that I now believe are adventures too. While it sucked at the time, returning to Angers to discover my electricity was mysteriously cut during the coldest week of the year was an adventure. Similarly, wandering around Angers on a warm sunny day is an adventure. Going to Paris for the weekend = adventure. Making a new meal for dinner = adventure. There are so many things that I realize can now be classified as an adventure. Therefore, I realize I can write about anything.
In light of talking about adventures, I figured I would disclose the biggest one of my life thus far. Something many people may know about me
(and are maybe tired of hearing about me, sorry) is that I am severely hypothyroid. For those who do not know, hypothyroidism is caused by an under-active thyroid. The thyroid gland (in your neck) is in charge of controlling a majority of your bodily functions; this includes your metabolism, hormones, reproductive systems, muscle growth/strength, heart health, kidney health, body temperature, energy, anxiety, and more. So pretty much I feel like a fatigued zombie walking around with hot/cold flashes and more issues that could create an entire blog post of it's own. However, with all of these obstacles hypothyroidism creates, the hormones, metabolism, fatigue, and muscle growth are the ones that really get to me.
Long story short I had always had weight issues. I dabbled with weight watchers in high school and was very active in sports as well. But, it was my senior year soccer season when my weight spiked 21 pounds in 30 days that I knew something was wrong. No diet or exercise could fix it and it only worsened as I went off to my freshman year of college surrounded by endless amounts food and alcohol and no longer had an obligation to work out every day. While people told me I was not trying hard enough to lose the weight, I took myself to the doctor while I was home for thanksgiving and had them run some tests I had looked up online (usually don't trust online medical sources but I was desperate). The doctor called me back later that day because my blood tests were quite alarming. My thyroid panel was completely out of whack and pretty much my body had not known what to do for over 6 months.
Le Duplex: Angers, France
Yes, there are medications for hypothyroidism and yes, I am on them. However, it isn't as easy as taking a Zyrtec for your allergies and knowing that everything is going to be okay in an hour or a week. Thyroid medication and rehab is a long drawn out process that can take months to years. You have to try different doses of different medications for 2-3 months at a time to see what works best. Then if none of those work you have to try special doses and supplements, which takes even longer. It took me a year to find the appropriate dosage and supplements for my thyroid.
While finding the right medications took over 12 months to find, I started taking more initiative early on in improving myself, my mood, my weight, and more now that I knew it could be somewhat reversible. Unfortunately, those with hypothyroid (even when on medication), have a
significantly harder time losing weight and an even harder time burning fat and building muscle. Yay, great. The three things I wanted were to lose weight, burn fat, and gain muscle and get an athletic toned build, yet LOL you're hypothyroid have fun trying to do that. And surprise! I'm allergic to gluten too!
Le Creperie: Angers, France |
The last 5 years have been tiring to say the least...and I'm not even talking about the fatigue hypothyroid causes. Every since being diagnosed, my entire life has been a "guess and check" process. Guessing medications and checking if it works, checking exercises and seeing if they work, checking diets and seeing if they work. I was always trying to control the uncontrollable and trying to get everything under control as fast as possible. For anyone who is hypothyroid, you know there is no way to get this under control quickly...5 years later and I am still struggling to get it under control.
Llallao Frozen Yogurt: Montpellier, France |
California Acai: Aix-en-Provence, France |
While there are many days I get frustrated about the amount I have to workout when I want to take a day or two off or how carefully I have to watch what I eat and how much I eat, I am more thankful for being hypothyroid. I am the healthiest I have ever been, strongest I have ever been, leanest I have ever been, and happiest I have ever been. If I were not hypothyroid I would not be so dedicated to this lifestyle I love so much. I would not eat as healthy as I do; and I probably wouldn't be as happy. Working out and eating healthy went from being chores to enjoyable activities. Being hypothyroid made me research different foods and their effects on the body and I became so informed and on food and fitness, which I also love sharing with people.
Ton Ton Foch: Angers, France |
Having a thyroid and autoimmune disorder makes my life one big equation that takes forever to figure out. But to solve the equation I needed to be more educated. Educated on food, fitness, health, lifestyles, and more. If it weren't for this disorder I doubt I would have finished any half marathons, let alone 3, I would not be squatting the same amount that I weigh, I would not be eating this healthy, I would not be tracking my macros, I would not know how to fuel my body correctly, and my life wouldn't be as balanced. I had to learn how to fit in working out every day and eating healthy, with also eating the cheeseburger and the french fries and the ice cream and drinking all the red wine in the world. And because of it, I believe I am overall a happier, healthier, and more educated person.
The Good Life Eatery - Gluten Free: London, UK |
Hypothyroidism went from being such an out of control and negative aspect in my life that I didn't want to deal with, to the most positive adventure I have encountered. Not every day is a good day with an under-active thyroid, but I am convinced I have more good days because of it.
To sum of this long cheesy Sunday post, embrace what you can't control, balance your life, and make everything an adventure.
Just posting all my food pics, cause FOOD.
Amorino Gelato: Nantes, France |
Maison Georges: Montmartre, Paris, France |
Le Cercle Rouge: Angers, France |
Indonesia Stand at Borough Market: London, UK |
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